M and I have been slightly concered lately because bumps has started banging his head whenever he gets mad or frustrated at us. We are talking full out banging as hard as he can on the floor or, in one instance, a bookcase. Then he starts crying because the banging hurts him. M and I have no answers for this and, quite frankly, it freaks us the frick out. It is so hard to see your child laying on the floor banging the heck out of his head. We don't want to encourage it by giving him attention, so we let him do it. Well, I was telling my friend M about it tonight and she was nice enough to find an article about it. Here is an excerpt from it:
Curiously, the one large study of this habit in 525 healthy children found head-bangers to be measurably advanced compared to their peers (Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Aug 1977). If anything, then, head-banging in healthy children is a sign of increased intelligence.
http://www.drgreene.com/21_578.htmlSWEEEEET!!!!!!!! We are raising the next Doogie. Thank you Dad, Mom, and the Berthot side for your above average intelligance cause Lord knows it skipped over me!!!!