Monday, February 27, 2006

Bowling Bumps

Here are some pics of bumps bowling on Sat night. He had two spares and a strike, go figure. . .

Thursday, February 23, 2006

TV Announcers

Last night M and I were flipping through college basketball games like we normally do and we came upon the UCONN/Notre Dame game. One of the players for UCONN happens to have the last name of Gay. So as we are watching a bit of this game, he makes a really good play. Then the announcer says "I really like how UCONN set up that Gay penetration." We about lost it. I mean, seriously, the poor guy probably didn't know that he was even saying it, but man oh man, that guys friends are never going to let him live that one down. I mean, we haven't stopped talking about it all day and we don't even know the guy. . .

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Ahhh. . .Cutie Bumps

Here are a couple of pics from when he was playing around in his favorite chair last week. This is before we gave him haircut over the weekend.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

4 Things

You can all thank Mandi for the tag:

Four Jobs I've Had
1. Bookstore Clerk
2. Stay at Home mom
3. Stripper (hahahaha, SO just kidding dad and mom)
4. Spokandle

Four Movies I can watch over and over
1. LOTR's Trilogy
2. The Day After Tomorrow
3. Harry Potter
4. Napoleon Dynamite

Four Places I've Lived
1. Lebanon, MO
2. Colorado Springs, CO
3. Enid, OK
4. Spokane, WA. . .and there are many more

Four TV Shows I Love
1. Lost
2. Everwood
3. Gilmore Girls
4. How I met your Mother

4 highly regarded and recommended TV shows that I've never watched a single minute of
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. 24
3. Criminal Minds
4. Monk

Four Places I've Vacationed
1. Seattle
2. Cancun
3. New York City
4. Destin, FL

Four of my favorite dishes
1. Chipotle Burrito's
2. Sushi
3. Biscuits and Gravy
4. Fried Ravoli from Mama Tiscono's on the Hill in St. Louis

Four sites I visit daily
1. Our Bank
2. Just Us Girls
3. Babycenter
4. Our e-mail

Four Places I'd rather be right now
1. Bed
2. On a beach or
3. At a ski lodge
4. Getting a massage

Four Bloggers I am tagging
1. Katie
2. Shawna
3. Granddad Don
4. I don't have anymore. . .

Cell Phone

Bumps has always been obsessed with my cell phone, but now he has taken it to a whole new level. He has learned that it. . .plays music!!!! So now he grabs my cell phone and pretends to talk on it to his daddy and then M will actually call it. When the ringer starts playing (either the KU fight song or the Air Force fight song) he starts dancing in circles too it. When it stops, he just stops and looks at it like he is saying "what the heck just happened?" Then it starts up again and he is good to go, dancing in more circles, and then falling on his ass shortly there afterwards. . .

Monday, February 13, 2006

Chocolate Pudding

And this is why we no longer give bumps food that involves chocolate pudding. . .

Monday, February 06, 2006


Bumps is officially a monkey. Maybe I should change the name of this to "Monkey's momma's blog." I seriously cannot keep him from climbing on anything. The kitchen table chairs are either pushed all the way in or turned over so he doesn't climb onto the table. That doesn't stop him though, he climbs up on the turned over chair. We have to turn the gate backwards because he climbs on that when it is up. The highchair, forget the restraints, he climbs right out of them. His new target is the computer chair. I switched the house around because I was tired of the clutter caused by the computer in the living room. It is now in our bedroom to keep bumps away from it. He now runs in and jumps in the chair and then makes noises until I come and spin him. Does he ever get dizzy, no, he just wants to be spun. So a word of caution to those we will be visiting soon, be afraid of the bumps monkey, be very afraid. . .