You can all thank
Mandi for the tag:
Four Jobs I've Had
1. Bookstore Clerk
2. Stay at Home mom
3. Stripper (hahahaha, SO just kidding dad and mom)
4. Spokandle
Four Movies I can watch over and over
1. LOTR's Trilogy
2. The Day After Tomorrow
3. Harry Potter
4. Napoleon Dynamite
Four Places I've Lived
1. Lebanon, MO
2. Colorado Springs, CO
3. Enid, OK
4. Spokane, WA. . .and there are many more
Four TV Shows I Love
1. Lost
2. Everwood
3. Gilmore Girls
4. How I met your Mother
4 highly regarded and recommended TV shows that I've never watched a single minute of
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. 24
3. Criminal Minds
4. Monk
Four Places I've Vacationed
1. Seattle
2. Cancun
3. New York City
4. Destin, FL
Four of my favorite dishes
1. Chipotle Burrito's
2. Sushi
3. Biscuits and Gravy
4. Fried Ravoli from Mama Tiscono's on the Hill in St. Louis
Four sites I visit daily
1. Our Bank
2. Just Us Girls
3. Babycenter
4. Our e-mail
Four Places I'd rather be right now
1. Bed
2. On a beach or
3. At a ski lodge
4. Getting a massage
Four Bloggers I am tagging
Shawna 3.
Granddad Don4. I don't have anymore. . .