Thursday, September 06, 2007

Bumps First Day of Preschool!!!!

Our little bumps is all grown up! He had preschool for the first time today and loved it! Apparently my snitch on the inside told me that he was holding hands with a little girl when she checked on him. Dang those women going after my boy all the time. He already has 4 wives, how many more does he need????

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Holy Freaking Yellowjacket Nest

I was sitting out back tonight talking with my friend K and watching the boys play. I happened to glance over at my old neighbors house, which is now unoccupied, and notice the BIGGEST nest I have ever seen hanging from the overhang of their house. The dang thing is seriously the size of my head. I don't know how we didn't notice this before, but now I know where all the yellowjackets are coming from. Yeah, I am calling maintance tomorrow!