I am a sahm and military wife.
I am a self taught sewer.
I am blessed with 2 wonderful children.
I am a small business owner.
I am someone loves to make childrens dreams come true through my designs, clothing, and bows.
We headed up to the orchards last night to cut down our tree. It has become a yearly tradition for us! Bumps loves to help pick out the tree and cut it down. I think we did a good job this year of picking out our tree. It may be shorter than I like, but bumps loves it and that is all that matters to me!!!
Taking after his parents, the first thing that bumps does with black olives is put them on his fingers. Man, what is more exciting to kids than putting olives all over their fingers and showing them to everyone. He doesn't know what ET is yet, so when he does, I am sure he will find it even more funny.
M is a deep fried turkey fiend. I can't get him away from them. He has become the deep frying God here on base. He has to do turkeys for everyone. So naturally he loves the attention also! No, not my husband! He makes a good one though. It was funny to see our friend from Australia taping everything M did so he could send the video back home! I guess we do some weird things here in America!!!
Here are the Thanksgiving day turkey prep with daddy and Bumps. Bumps loves helping daddy get the oven turkey ready. He thinks he is so special afterwards!!! Then we have to make the deep fried turkey also! Which is daddies favorite part!!!
We went to a birthday party for our friend R at the local indoor waterpark last weekend. Bumps had so much fun! He was so excited to be at the waterpark. We are planning to go back with our friends the J's before Christmas and can't wait!!!
We treated bumps to the showing of Go Diego Go Live where we live. He had sooo much fun. He was up dancing the whole time and still hasn't stopped talking about it. We up with our friends the J's afterwards and went out to dinner. It was a superfun night and the boys crashed that night!!!
Here is a cute picture of how much Noah loves being with us. He placed his hand on our hands one night while we were all sitting on the couch cuddling. It was too sweet of a moment not to capture it in picture!
Bumps was super excited to get outside and rake leaves. He did a really good job at it too. Unfortunatly, tweedledee and treedlestupid decided they wanted to aid us in the raking and had a grand time destroying the piles. And yes, the piles are still out back and getting officially raked up tomorrow. So we say anyway. . .
Yes, more Halloween pics. You know you wanted to see more. Don't you love the face on L in the first pics of the boys? He was not enjoying his picture taking experience. My fav of the night is the middle one of our friend R. I love that pic of him because it totally shows his onry side!!!! The boys had a blast and loved trick or treating.
We had a great Halloween at our house! Papa and N came to visit and N was nice enough to paint up the boys faces. That made them super excited. Bumps got so much candy that we still have a ton. I don't think we will ever get rid of it!!! The boys had a great time and looked really cute, so that is all that matters!!!