Ah, what a day. Bumps decided that he wanted to do the park this morning, so we called up K and R and they walked down there with us. Of course, rooroo decided the walk would be the ideal time to scream the whole way to the park and then fall asleep on me right before we got there. We got home and I proceeded to introduce bumps to Fraggle Rock, which he loved. God bless Netflix. I am starting to be very grateful I did it. So we then proceeded to go to swim lessons tonight which was lots of fun. Bumps learned how to push off the wall and swim into his teachers arm. Hopefully by next summer he will be able to swim on his own. That would be awesome. We got home and did some relaxing. Let me mention that rooroo screamed half the day. It was super fun. She apparently was not feeling the love today. But she did go to sleep early and is still out cold. So mommy is enjoying Greys Anatomy and ice cream. Not necessarily helping me lose baby weight, but oh well. Some pictures for your enjoyment:

Kick, kick, kick bumps!
Waiting at the wall patiently for his turn again
Look who is finally getting hair! Don't mind the toupee on the back of her head.
Little booger caught me with the camera
Swimming to his teacher and trying hard not to drown
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