Yes, I am fully aware I have been bad at this again. What can I say, being a "single" parent to 2 kids leaves me extremely drained at night. Less than 2 weeks till big daddy is back with us though! Christmas was very hard this year. We missed waking up and having big daddy there with us. He got to watch the whole thing on the webcam, which was awesome. It made it a little easier. I think it made it easier on him too. And let me just say that bumps waited for 2 hours after waking up to open any presents just so daddy could watch him do everything. Talk about a good kid!!! Bumps and rooroo got so much again this year. I always say I am not going to go insane and it never works. Rooroo preferred the paper over anything, go figure. It was funny watching it go straight to her mouth. Bumps loved everything he got and Santa went Star Wars crazy, so that made him happy. Meme was here also, thank God. That lessoned the pain alot! I think she enjoyed watching her grandkids have Christmas too. And naturally my house looked like toys r us had thrown up all over it for 4 days after Christmas!!! Oh well, it was worth it!

Family shot

Bumps discovering his stocking

Side angle of the tree

Another shot after Santa had come
Front shot of the tree
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