Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Quilt!

After a 3 classes over 3 weeks and lots of homework my first quilt is done!!! I love it too!!! I am almost done with a Halloween one now also, just have to finish the binding. Uggg. And I now have a Thanksgiving one I want to do!!! This stuff is way too addicting!!!

Back of the quilt. I love love love that fabric!!! I am going to make Roo a skirt out of it!

Front of my quilt! It isn't big by any means, but it is perfect to throw over the back of the couch!


This is what happens when you go directly from a sugar filled pumpkin carving party to our friend the S house. You get little boys in Miley Cyrus wigs and dresses. This is probably why our boys are such good friends. . .

It's MILEY! No, not really, it is bumps.

Yes, H is totally wearing lipstick and my genius son has a hanger in his mouth.


What's next?

Oh...Bumps is in a dress....that is what is next.

Pumpkin Carving

Bumps was invited to his first party at our new base recently and he completely freaked when we thought we were going to be out of town. So we had to move our trip to the beginning of Oct just so bumps could go to this party. He was so excited too. All he talked about for a couple weeks was this pumpkin carving party. It was at the house of a kid in his class whose mom happened to be in playgroup with me also. We had so much fun! The kids got to carve their pumpkins and eat lots of chips and candy. There was lots for adults too. I throughly enjoyed partaking in the poisoness punch. :) Bumps would only allow us to carve an upside pumpkin. In otherwords, mouth had to be on the top and eyes on the bottom. Apparently it is all the rage this year. He was extremely mad at us when we lit up rightside up. *sigh* So an upside down pumpkin it is this year for him.

Playing with his pumpkins mouth

Roo enjoying her first sampling of sugar for the night

Ummm, yeah, more sugar. Like the long hair up top yet no hair growing near the front. Our girl has a killer mullet.

"NO DAD, that is NOT how I want it."

No comment.

Popping the mouth out

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Coffee. . .not enough

I don't think there is enough coffee in the world to wake me up this morning, but yet I am still writing a blog post. I have roo hiding in the other room doing her inevitible morning poo and I really just don't want to change it. Yet I am fully aware that I am going to have too as soon as she comes around the corner. Why am I so tired. Because I stayed out way to late last night. I took mom to see Phantom of the Opera for the first time and by the time it was all said and done it was midnight. Then I had to unwind at home some before I could fall asleep and be up early this morning to take Noah to school. God bless school. It assures me naptime. Because I know that the coffee is just not going to kick in anytime soon. On to other random thoughts. . .

Bumps is about to become a very very busy boy. Not that we weren't busy before. Just last weekend was filled with parties and get togethers. Sat alone had 3. Needless to say we were all exhausted by Monday morning, but extremely grateful we are finding a niche here finally. Bumps starts his bowling class on Sat and he is beyond excited. Then on Monday he starts karate and on Tues swim lessons. I told him I thought it was too much for him, but he disagreed with me. So I am going to let him have his way this time and watch him carefully. Maybe it is just too much for mommy. Especially since 2 of the classes are held at the Y which means I will feel obligated to workout while he is doing his thing. Probably not a bad thing, huh?

Roo is everywhere at all times. She has taken to my leftover candles in a big way. In other words, she likes to dig them out with her fingers and then comes downstairs smelling like various scents. At least she smells good, I guess. She still isn't walking, but she is making steps towards it now. She walked about halfway through the front room the other day, so good for her. She is going to be a strawberry for Halloween and she HATES the costume with a firey passion. We find it hysterical though. So she is wearing it, for better or worse. Poor roo.

Quilt numero uno is done and now I am working on another one that should be done tonight. I really wish I had gotten back into sewing a couple years ago, but a couple years ago I wouldn't have had the most amazing fabric store down the road to give me inspiration. Oh, and that person named K. She is pretty good at inspiring me and pushing me to do things also. Even though she is slightly way more talented than I am in the whole sewing area. Gives me something to look up too though. Plus, I don't feel guilty when I steal her ideas. :P

Roo has now reappeared, snot nosed and poopy, and thus this mindless post has to end. God I love my life. . .and I really do mean that. :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

One Step at a Time

Big brother helping rooroo with that walking thing. Almost 15 months and still not walking! I am not complaining though!!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Grrrrrr. . .

Yes, that is daddies sweatband, and yes, it apparently had sweat in it. I didn't know that until she was nice enough to hand it too me.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Blibble Blabble Blibble

How many moods can you go through in a minute? I think we go through at least 5 here. Such.a.diva.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


I have to show off my mantle because I am slightly more than excited to have one now! Bumps and I were having way to much fun decorating the other day and he wanted me to take a picture and put it where everyone could see. We decorated the outside also, but it isn't done yet. Pictures to come when it is done!

Wedding cont. . .

Cutie bumps!

Grandpa and his kiddo's

Grandma and her kids and great grandma (she turned 90 this year!)

Grandma eating Ainsley's face!

Practicing her high kicks


We headed down south to see M's family this weekend since his cousin decided to take the plunge and get married. Plus, we hadn't seen that side of the family in a very long time (yes grandma and grandpa S, we will be to you very soon, promise). We had a fantabulous time with the family. The kids were spoiled rotten and are still recovering. Plus, we had to do our usual sneaky sneaky thing and surprise the in-laws who thought we weren't able to make it. Bumps proved that he truly is a dancing fool and danced the night away with everyone at the reception. He claims he danced with 15 females and I don't doubt that claim for a minute. He is definantly taking after his daddy. The same daddy who had to break out the splits to show up the groom during a little dance competition they had. Not even the groom is safe from M's attention grabbing ways on his wedding day. ;) We are all still recovering from the trip, but I am glad we were able to make it to a family wedding at last!

Daddy and Rooroo

Trying to escape from me

Getting a chicks number?


Daddy getting ready to show off

Another daddy and rooroo

My fabulous family

Dancing with his cousin G

Grandpa and Rooroo

Daddy dancing with Aunt M, who didn't put Rooroo down most the weekend


Just an experiment to see if I can download videos or not. It was being a pain earlier, so if it doesn't work, just consider it a work in progress for now. And sorry it is sideways. I am not awesome enough to figure that one out yet.