Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

Bumps was invited to his first party at our new base recently and he completely freaked when we thought we were going to be out of town. So we had to move our trip to the beginning of Oct just so bumps could go to this party. He was so excited too. All he talked about for a couple weeks was this pumpkin carving party. It was at the house of a kid in his class whose mom happened to be in playgroup with me also. We had so much fun! The kids got to carve their pumpkins and eat lots of chips and candy. There was lots for adults too. I throughly enjoyed partaking in the poisoness punch. :) Bumps would only allow us to carve an upside pumpkin. In otherwords, mouth had to be on the top and eyes on the bottom. Apparently it is all the rage this year. He was extremely mad at us when we lit up rightside up. *sigh* So an upside down pumpkin it is this year for him.

Playing with his pumpkins mouth

Roo enjoying her first sampling of sugar for the night

Ummm, yeah, more sugar. Like the long hair up top yet no hair growing near the front. Our girl has a killer mullet.

"NO DAD, that is NOT how I want it."

No comment.

Popping the mouth out

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