Friday, November 14, 2008


I know I haven't posted in a week and I have a very good reason why. I am totally, utterly, ADDICTED to the Twilight series of books. Seriously, I can't stop reading. It has been a long time since I enjoyed a series this much. My mom kept telling me to read them, over and over and over, and I finally listened once I saw there was a movie coming out. I probably should have listened sooner, but at least all the books are out so I don't have to wait and wait for a new one to come out. These books really suck you in and don't let you go. I honestly don't think Harry Potter even sucked me in this bad. I am going to try to post some pics tomorrow, I promise. But as for now, I am off to read. . .


Cricket said...

I JUST started reading Twilight last night, LOL! A coworker who was equally addicted to HP with me gave it to me said "READ THIS!!" and then I was invited to go see the movie opening weekend, so now I have put the other book that I was halfway through aside to read it!

Frances said...

OMG, I totally love that series. One of my girls from the library got me reading those and I love it. You might also want to try "The Host" it is by the same author, but a book she wrote for adults. It is a little different but a good book. Hope you enjoy them. Danna and I are going to go watch the movie this weekend maybe.