Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ok, ok, I understand already

I am getting my arse reamed from multiple sources because I am a horrible blogger. What can I say. . .I have a life. *cough cough Kate cough cough* Plus the whole moving and not having a husband around could have contributed to it. We are now in the midwest again and loving it. It is nice to be near family again. And we are now homeowners! We love our new house. I am still in awe of it. I don't think there has been a day since we signed the papers that I haven't just stopped and looked around and sighed. It will be hard to sell this house.

The kids are doing really well. Bumps is now in kindy. So hard to believe. It feels like I was just holding him in my arms last month. He loves it so much though. As much as I dreaded fully day kindy, I love it now. I have time with rooroo during the day. He is slowly starting to make friends which is good. He loves his new backyard and spends a ton of time on his swingset. I can say he still gives me a hug and kiss everyday before he goes in the school building, so I am very lucky that some of my little boy is still in there.

Rooroo, oh rooroo. We have the hellion of the family. She is 14 months old now and still not walking, but by God she climbs everything in sight. I found her on top of our high top kitchen table the other day. She found it very humerous. Me, not so much. She loves to "talk" and does it constantly. I am always getting pointed at and talked too very sternly by her. Cracks me up, but I know what it means for the future. There are so many moments where M and I look at each other and say "we are so screwed." We are raising a diva. God love her.

M loves his new squadron and seems to be having a good time. He has friends here already from our previous base so he is having a good time. Plus there is a lake right by his squadron, so he is in heaven. He also bought a truck, so now he is a real man. We were excited though because it is a 01 Dodge Ram with 25K miles on it. So we can use and abuse it over the next few years!

I am doing good. Lonely, but that happens when you move. I have friends, but we are all so busy it is hard to get together. I am not used to having a non-social neighborhood yet either. Living on base and off base are totally different. I wouldn't switch because I love it here, but I miss having houses I can just walk into and so on. We are hoping and praying our good friends G & A get orders here soon, but only time will tell.

So that is the current update. I will add pics over the next couple of days!

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