Sunday, November 20, 2005

Away We Go Again. . .

We traveled again today! We are now in Utah visiting the in-laws and my dad, bro, and sis this week for the holidays! It is very bittersweet for me right now because M isn't here with us. My in-laws have the beautiful new house and he isn't here to see it. Plus, turkey day is his favorite day, so that makes me sad too. But on the upside we have 1 week, yes that is 1 week until he gets home! Yeah!!!!! Bumps did really well traveling. He did get pretty tired of it towards the end of the second leg of the flight. All in all, we traveled for almost 12 hours today. Please keep us in your prayers this week because our layover on the way home is only 30 min and I am scared out of my mind that we are going to miss our second flight!!!!!!!

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