Sunday, November 06, 2005

Laundry Detergent is BAD!!!!

My friend S came over tonight to hang out with bumps and I for awhile and go figure I manage to hurt myself while she was here. I was excited to show her the basement because I have been working my hiney off cleaning it and going through stuff. I also have been doing laundry. I decided to switch over loads while she was playing with bumps. I filled up the little cup and it managed to slip out of my hand while it was full. It splashed all over my face. . .in my nose, mouth, and eyes, which also contained my contacts. I haven't felt that much pain since labor. I somehow made it up the stairs and to the bathroom and managed to get my contacts out. My eyes are still killing me and I am praying that my contacts aren't ruined. I won't be wearing them tomorrow though. All I can say is why me?

1 comment:

Cricket said...

Son Of A...!!

That sux!!!

I'm glad to see you in on the action. It's pretty fun.